Church Budget Giving: The finance committee is asking you to prayerfully consider giving
5% of your total income to our church budget. Based on this percentage, we will be able to
meet our current church budget, which allows us to pay our utility bills, pay our portion to the
school, make payments on our loans, and many other projects and ministries. Also, a
faithful giving of 5% would allow for future maintenance projects that arise. We missed our
goal this past fiscal year 2023-2024 by $213. Let’s be faithful to be able to meet our goal
this fiscal year!
Mail-in Giving: If mailing your tithes/offerings/donations, please mail them to the church
address: 702 S Belview Ave, Springfield, MO 65802. Online Giving is available on our
Online Giving
School funds clarification - Unless you specifically designate on your offering envelope
“Sunnydale Academy,” all funds designated by you for school, academy, or worthy student
will be applied to our local church school (Springfield Adventist Academy).
Important Message from our Church Treasurer - When donating to any special projects
or ministries, write the specific designation on your tithe envelope. The money will go into
the general fund if it is not specific.